Friday, September 15, 2006

Where's God?

11:00 P.M. - Phone rings - Dog's eye has been knocked out of socket, needs help
11:15 - Arrive at clinic and take in patient
12:20 A.M. - Leave clinic
12:25 - Get home
2:00 - Finally get to sleep
5:30 - Alarm goes off - wake Melanie
5:40 - Turn on coffee pot
5:43 - Eat breakfast
6:05 - Leave to feed cows
7:30 - Get home in time to flash the "I love you" sign to family as they leave for school
7:40 - Shave, shower and dress for work
8:20 - Arrive at clinic
8:35 - Begin surgeries
11:00 - See appointments
12:00 P.M. - Write up surgeries in patient's files
12:40 - Talk to roofer about replacing roof at home and clinic
1:00 - Lunch
1:30 - Leave to feed show calves their "evening" meal
2:30 - 13 minute nap
2:43 - Alarm goes off
2:44 - Rise and dress for Jessica's volleyball game
3:20 - Melanie, Faith, Hope and Granny get home from school
3:25 - Much hurrying, encouraging and prodding
3:30 - Leave for Volleyball game 100 miles away
6:45 - Game over
7:00 - Gattiland for pizza with the team
8:00 - Leave for home
10:00 - Drop Melanie Faith, Hope and Granny at home
10:20 - Pick up Jessica at the Jr. High
10:35 - Last minute homework for Jessica and Faith, crying and "encouraging"
11:00 - Bed
12:20 A.M. - Sleep

Where's God in all of this? What am I doing for our relationship? Am I just expecting Him to keep up with me? Sure, there has been a few moments of serious prayer in the car and from time to time throughout the day, but am I really giving our relationship the attention that it deserves?

Please pray that I will rearrange my schedule to reflect my priorities. Pray that I will give my relationship with God the time that it deserves. Thanks in advance! God bless,

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Praise the Lord!

It finally rained! We have had somewhere between 4 and 5 inches of rain in the last 7-9 days. You can not believe the transformation in the appearance of the pastures! What had the appearance of death just two weeks ago now looks alive and full of hope. The brown grass that crunched underfoot is now giving way to sprouts of fresh green vegetation.

I honestly don't know how anyone involved in agriculture could help but believe in God! It is so obvious that we have no control over rain and the new life that it brings. It would seem that farmers and ranchers would be the prayin'est people around. Without God we are hopeless!

We also have reason to praise God for Melanie's good report from the doctor. About three weeks ago she had a biopsy and we had never heard anything from the doctor. This did not surprise us, because his office has been very difficult to communicate with throughout our association with them. However, last week she had a follow up visit and he said the he did not see any signs of cancer cells in the tissue that was taken and that he felt like he had gotten the area in question.

As I have praised God in these good circumstances, the thought occurred to me that we also need to praise Him during the drought and at times when all is not well in our lives. He is worthy of our praise at all times! May you continue to praise Him, regardless of what circumstances you find yourself in today. God bless,