Saturday, March 17, 2007

Going Forward

I was encouraged after a visit to the village of Eglime today to know that God's work there is "going forward", a common saying among the Aja. I was involved in the planting of the church in this village several years ago. I spent all morning with Kohoundo, the church leader and governmental Delegate in Eglime. I also visited with Anthony, one of his sons who is actively involved in teaching, both in his village and in others. They both gave good reports regarding the church in Eglime. They told numerous stories about the things that God is doing there and the victories that the Christians have gained over temptations.

They also gave some reports on some of the other churches in the area. As expected, some are strong while others are weak. They same could be said about the individual members and even the leaders.

I am in a unique position to be able to encourage these Christians in some areas that they have encountered difficulties. They were encouraged. Kohoundo said that it was really necessary that I come back and stay for at least 8 months! I tried to explain how difficult that would be, and he insisted that I needed to come back for at least 2-3 months. I told him that I would think about it.

I plan on spending the rest of the day staying at home. I am hoping that a few people will come by to visit me. Tomorrow we plan to worship in the village of Ayinahoue before going to Cotonou. I fly out tomorrow night.

I am very excited about seeing my family! Still, it will difficult to say goodbye to my friends here. I enjoy my ministry here a lot. I hope to come back regularly, Lord willing. Please be praying that God will provide they way. I am encouraged that I can continue to be a part of His mission here. I pray that you too will find your place in the mission of God! Blessings,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Greg, I am so thankful for the encouraging visit to Eglime. I understand the struggle between the focused time of ministry there and coming back here. Continue to press on! Love You Tons, Melanie