Tuesday, March 13, 2007


Today was the first day of our leaders meeting. There were 8-10 guys there. Randy was a little disappointed that there weren't more. There were several younger guys that would have come if they didn't have school. I told the guys that although they were not many in number, to remember that Jesus spent most of his time working with 12 guys. I also told them that I realized that there were many people behind each one of them. In other words, these guys represent many other Christians who were not present.

We discussed leadership, using I Peter 5, I Timothy 3 and Titus 1 as our texts. These guys are hungry for any word from God! They have not heard much from these passages and they felt like they learned a lot.

I continue to be humbled that I could have much influence in a culture and language so different from my own.

My visit is really a trial run of sorts to help envision how missionary visits will look in the future, when there is no longer a full time missionary presence here. I am so thankful that Randy is here to follow up on my visit! He will be able to help them evaluate how well the meeting met their needs. Hopefully we will be able to plan meetings for the future that can help them continue to grow in their knowledge of and faith in Jesus.

May we seek to grow in these areas as well and may we minister to our families in such a way that they too will grow! Blessings,


laura said...

Greg, we have so enjoyed keeping up with your adventures here on your blog! And we are praising our God for providing you this opportunity to continue serving Him! Know that you are in our prayers, and Melanie and the girls too as you are away. God bless!

Greg Bailey said...


Thank you so much for your prayers. I am humbled, thrilled, joyful, scared and saddened all at the same time. Understand? We love you all and pray for you. Blessings to all!